In my college level middle school methods class, we spend some time working with Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences which later the students use to help them with differentiation in a lesson plan and in an integrated teaching unit. Although I feel that they understand the concept when I finish the section, sometimes there is confusion evident in their teaching projects. I feel that the activity below will help identify for me whether the students understand how to work with different intelligences in terms of how they teach their classes, plan their activities, and develop their assessments.
- On a concept map created in, the student will identify Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.
- Using a teacher supplied list of various classroom activities and assessments, the students will classify the activities/assessments by connecting them directly to the Multiple Intelligence they feel the activity/assessment best fits as well as making secondary connections that might also exist.
- After the student has completed connections, the student will then explain why they made the connections between the activities/assessment and the Multiple Intelligence(s) and include these explanations on the concept map.
This activity which I will ask students to print off and turn in, will not be graded but will be used as a formative assessment to make certain that students understand how activities and assessments can be adapted to different types of students in a class. My main focus in looking at this assessment would be the explanations of why a student placed an activity/assessment in a certain category. The explanation will best show me those who understand the concept and those who do not understand. With this knowledge, I will be able to work individually or in small groups with those students who have not yet grasped the concept completely and hopefully this will help them develop better lesson and unit plans.
This is an example of a concept map that has been started using this activity.
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